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Welcome to my blog ♥ appreciate much
Imma' the blogger

Age:Sweet Eighteen (2011)
Living In:Penang;BW
I absolutely ♥ My Family,Boyf,and Friends.

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Cherry Chin

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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Hi there!
Ughhh Actually I don't have things to blog right now but just keep thinking that I should update more cause I've been promising you guys.. so.. that's it xD
One week ago, I purposely thinking of update my blog cause of something private.. Don't feel like sharing here.. I guess some of you knew it *oppssss*

And you know what?
Yea if you've followed my facebook, you'll probably knew this.
I'm letting go my 2 years and 7 months relationship yesterday.
It came to an ending of our story.
So please, don't keep asking me about this all over again.
Either you're my friends or his friends.
In love story, there's no wrong or right.
It depends on how our relationship goes or mantain.
And for ya,
please settled down everything clearly and make sure it's worth to start a new relationship alright?
I hope you get what I mean.
I'm here to wish both of you. Good luck & goodbye my love.

Ps://Oh ya..No offence alright :-)
Love ; Cherry @ 8:46 AM

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Hi there!

Hi everyone out there! I'm back.
Sorry for not updating my blog this few months.
Yea, my previous post was published on
Nov 7, 2010.
Gonna be a year already man. HAHA!
Still remember me?
I got alotsa comments on my chatbox right there.
People are calling me back to blog.
Alright, I will blog soon! :-)
Love ya <3

Love ; Cherry @ 10:42 AM

Sunday, November 7, 2010
I hate insomnia. Please stay away from me.

Sorry cause of my messy hair. Just ignore.

Goshhh!!! I'm having insomnia for the whole week! Ain't kidding. It has been seven days or maybe more than that. I can't sleep. I just don't know why. Did anyone of you know how to cure insomnia? Any useful tips? Share some with me please, be kind. I really need it. Skin are getting worse and my eyebag. Owhhh. Sad case.

I wouldn't get on to my bed before 3am or 4am each day this week. I wanna get out of this shit, FML. Sleeps in the morning or evening, get up at the night. What a life?! Call me a new born vampire, LOL.
Ps: I don't drink coffee or dark mocha lately but why I got insomnia one huh?
why why, tell me why guys? I am finding for the answer. Haha. SPM is getting nearer. I don't know how my result gonna be :3

Alright, it's PPS time now.
I love watching Hong Kong's drama during lonely midnight.
PPS is the only way to cure my boredness at late of the night
else I'll be dead if I'm over bored! Hehe.
Love ; Cherry @ 10:37 AM

Saturday, November 6, 2010
Dim sum! :)

Didn't sleep for the whole day.
Went to dim sum early in the morning. Real early.
I got insomnia this few days, can't sleep well, mostly are all bad dreams.
I hate this life! & I hate that stupid idiot bo nao! *my latest fb status* haha

Okie, back to that morning.
I called Ching if she wants me to pick her up and have dim sum together with me at BM
but she can't cause it's too early and she is still sleeping, LOL!

Seeeeee, I didn't lie you. That's really very early.
Around 6 something i guess :D

I driveeeeeeeee! yes yes! finally i got my 'P' and mum allowed me to drive on road!
Muahahahahahahahaa* happy like hell!
And of course, I'm gonna improve my driving skill as I get quite a number
of *complaintssss* from the people whom I fetch. Hehh
Sorry if I had scared you guys cause of my driving skill. Don't worry nahh
It will get better I promised!

On the way going, stopped at the traffic light. View again the picture above and you'll know where am I stopped at.

Haha, having dimsum around my house there.
Plan to have BM dimsum failed -.-

Nom nom nommmm* Healthy morning. Heh

After dimsum, went home and what is the next thing I do?
Bath and sleep of course! Lol. It was damn tiring to drive actually.
Hmmm, nothing special then.
Will blog when I have time. Good bye~
Love ; Cherry @ 11:26 AM

Thursday, October 21, 2010
Genting timeeeeeeeeee

This post should be updated few weeks ago. I thought I had posted out but not.
I just click on the 'save now' icon instead of 'publish post' LOL
so sorry for the stupid-human-error

Pixies time!

I love this the most!
Hot hot herbal chicken soup on the windy and breezy day!
This is the first thing i ate when I reached Genting. The weather there is so damn cold!

My lovely mummmmm ♥ Love ya
Do we look alike? heh

My younger sis, Ming & I.

Yeah, it's us again.
This is when we're sitting on the pirate ship waiting for other players to come! xD

Me and my younger bro, Hong.
Everybody is saying that he looks like meeeeeee the most! Lol

Telephone booth?

Dinner at 铜锣湾
Superrrrrr awesomeeee!
Fish feeding timeeee*
omfg, those fishes were like hungry for yearssss!
once we dropped the fish food, all of them were swimming so fast and snatch it.
My bro & sis.
Lol, I was their babysitter that time but it was fun spending time with them :D
Me while sitting on the small small boat.
We had a break and had some drinks at a small cafe located inside the outdoor park.
Awwww,my bro with the cotton candy, so cute!
Kiss the cotton candy. Hehehe!

He is showing off with his Rocky?! Lol

We watched The Child's Eye at Genting's cinema too.
Eventhough the movie is just for 13 y/o and above,
but when we ask the person who's in charge at the ticket's counter.
They said my lil sis & bro are allowed to go in too. Hahaaa
so yeah, I bring them along.

It was my first time stepped in the cinema although i've been there for like
89173232383247 times. Lol not that many lahh
Just telling you guys that I always visited Genting one. Haha

It was them again, riding the white horse.

When the time came, i mean to left Genting,
my sis and bro are the one who're not willing to go back
you know lah, kids love theme park right? Hmmm
Picture above tells you that.

On the way going back to Butterworth,
we stopped at Ipoh and had their famous chicken rice.
Had you heard that before? Or had you ever tried that before?
Lol, you're not gonna miss it cause it was damn tasty I tell you!!!
After the yummy yummy dinner,
home sweet home.
It was tiring but I had lots of fun too! ♥

Love ; Cherry @ 2:44 AM

Farewell party at Sunway Hotel

Pixies time

I'm lazy to elaborate much, sorry.

Pic's grabbed from Gaby's fb.

Lot's of pic in my fb too :D

We went to Sunway Carnival for movie and winter warmers after the party
withh Jaslyn :D

Love ; Cherry @ 2:16 AM

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I had dimsum around 1pm with family at Inderawasih on 2nd of October
Actually I'd forgot the name of the restaurant.
Lyn told me it is SheLaiAun.I mean, SheLaiAun is the name of the restaurant :)blehhhhhhhhh

Dimsum is ♥ !

Siewmai is ♥♥♥ !!!

My sis with daddy :)

After that, headed to Amp Square to meet my babes

With lovely Cookie*
She is so tiny mini super small size! LOL! - nice caption, haha

with Gaby & Jaslyn

Let the picture do the talking then, imma so lazy...

After the karaoke session, all of them went back and yeah,
Just me alone walking around :( for the first time I have to say
Mum was really busy on that day and I called my big sis to fetch me
She's still at Autocity that time when I'm calling.
And she said before she reached there, massive traffic jam along the road. FML
I decided to went for a drink after the call.
So, Winter Warmers is the choice...
I had my Lavender tea and I miss the place where I'm sitting...
Camwhored to kill my boredness. I had no one to talk with :'(
Finally, sis reached! It's like ages I've been sitting there.

We walked around, and yeah,
I bought new Kate cheek blusher and I love it so much!
Others are like masks, fake eyelashes and so on...
While in the car, I'm just too bored...
Home sweet home after this.

Love ; Cherry @ 4:46 AM